Glorious Analog Signal Path with Variable ‘Color,’ Bettermaker Plug-in Recall & Automation, and World-Class Metering
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JUNE 2017: TransAudio Group, U.S. distributor of high-end professional audio recording equipment, is pleased to announce the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter is now shipping. Like all Bettermaker products, the Mastering Limiter combines a pure analog signal path with a USB connection that allows it to be controlled, recalled, automated, and A/B’d from its associated plug-in. (The USB connection and plug-in only control the functionality of the hardware unit, no audio passes through the USB connection or plug-in.) This unit is comprised of two separate level control circuits, an infinity to 1 limiter followed by a clipper. Both are fixed threshold circuits, with the limiter threshold approximately 3dB lower than the clipper. A user adjustable ratio controls the amount of work done by the limiter versus clipper, achieved through adjustment of the limiter attack time. Additionally, this unit features variable odd- and even-harmonic coloration, locally stored user presets, and responsive, comprehensive metering that frees up your computer screen for other workflow tasks.
“You cannot look at the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter as just one tool,” explained Brad Lunde, founder and president of TransAudio Group. “It is a whole mastering system that replaces more than a few plug-ins and analog devices: limiter, clipper, saturator, M/S matrix, and a very sophisticated metering device. Its bright touchscreen display is pleasant to look at and frees up the computer screen. Bettermaker’s plug-in control is great. Not only can users recall and automate settings, but they can easily A/B settings from the plug-in to make smart decisions. Users can also store and save presets right from the front panel or within Pro Tools or other DAW’s.
“The ‘color’ section is our original design; we did not model it on anything that is currently on the market,” said Marek Walaszek, CEO at Addicted To Music group and the lead designer of the Bettermaker products. “The idea is to give the user the ability to add odd harmonics, even harmonics, or both to the signal. The harmonics target a user specified area of the audio spectrum, which allows you to, for example, add even harmonics to the highs to give them a more smooth sound and odd harmonics to the lows to give them more bite. The color section mimics a wide-Q equalizer and users can apply equalization techniques when using this capability; after finding the target area users adjust the amount to color to apply. Also, the color is not a mix of saturated signal and dry signal; the harmonic content becomes part of the original dry signal.”
The metering page includes input, output, and reduction meters, a VU meter, RMS metering, LUFS (Short Term, Integral, Momentary, Loudness Range, View in Time) with TruePeak metering, K-metering, a FFT analyzer, a goniometer, a correlation meter, and three points of measurement: the plug-in, the physical input of the limiter, and the physical output of the limiter. An additional page allows users to customize their metering to fit their workflow.
U.S. PRICING: $3495.00 List • $2995.00 MAP